On the weekend of 11 to 13 March 2022, the first partner meeting of the WikiWomen project took place in Leeuwarden. It was a first visit to Friesland for the four participants from the Basque Country and the three from Ireland. In addition to a delegation from those two countries, the partners from Friesland, Learning Hub Friesland, Fryske Akademy-Mercator and the Afûk, were also present.
The focus was mainly on the sharing of knowledge and experience, but also on the first steps that the international consortium will take in the coming months. In the afternoon there was time for a thematic city walk about the Frisian language and culture and important Frisian women provided by A guide to Leeuwarden. On Sunday morning, all the ins and outs regarding project management and communication were discussed. The partners look back on a very successful weekend and look forward to further cooperation in the next three years.
WikiWomen is a collaboration with secondary schools and Wikipedia organizations from the Basque Country (Spain) and Ireland and three Frisian knowledge partners to use Wikipedia in European minority language areas as a means to teach digital literacy, social engagement and language skills. The subsidy comes from the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, intended for projects in the field of education, training, youth affairs and sport.

Photo: Jacob van Essen, Fotobureau Het Hoge Noorden.
In the photo from left to right:
Top row: Simon Tubb and Anastasija Zareckyte (Learning Hub Friesland), Welmoed Sjoerdstra (Afûk), Rebecca O'Neill (Wikimedia Ireland), Faela Mhic Dhomnaill (Coláiste Oiriall), Cor van der Meer and Inge Heslinga (Frieske Academy/Mercator) , Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga (Euskal Wikilarien Kultura Elkartea).
Bottom row: Róisín UíChuinn (Coláiste Oiriall), Mirjam Vellinga (Afûk), Edurne Agirre Iturbe (Euskal Wikilarien Kultura Elkartea), Xabier Alberdi and Lorea Corcuera (Antigua Luberri BHI).